
Pregnant for the First Time? Here’s What to Expect in the Second Trimester

April 17, 2022

Woman holding ultrasound
Congratulations on your journey to mom-hood! You’ve made it through the first trimester, so what do you have to look forward to in the second trimester? Here are some physical and emotional changes you may experience.

Prenatal Visits

Before we start talking about what you can expect to happen to your body, let’s talk about the exciting things your prenatal visits will focus on. In your second trimester, baby is growing and developing, and you’ll be able to hear the heartbeat! And you could find out if you’re having a boy or a girl … but only if you want to!

Physical Changes

While baby is developing, your own body is further adjusting to your baby’s growth. You can expect your belly and your breasts to continue to enlarge. This is a great time to switch to a more supportive bra!

Some other physical changes you can expect in your second trimester:


Hormonal changes during pregnancy in the second trimester can cause some changes to your skin, including:

  • brown patches on your face
  • a dark line down your abdomen
  • stretch marks along your abdomen, breasts, buttocks, or thighs


During pregnancy, your body produces more blood which can aggravate the mucous membranes in your nose, causing:

  • nasal congestion
  • nose bleeds


Staying on top of your dental hygiene is important during the second trimester. During pregnancy, your gums become more sensitive to flossing and brushing, which can cause bleeding. To help prevent irritation:

  • Rinse with saltwater
  • Use a softer bristle toothbrush
  • Make sure you stick to your scheduled dental appointments


It’s common for moms-to-be to experience nighttime leg cramps during the second trimester. Here’s how to help prevent them:

  • Stretch your calf muscles before bed
  • Stay physically active
  • Drink lots of water
  • Wear comfortable shoes that offer support
  • Take a warm shower or bath before bedtime

Down There

You’ll also probably notice a discharge that’s typically clear or white. It’s normal. Also normal during this time are urinary tract infections. If either of these conditions become painful, foul smelling, or in the case of a UTI, are associated with a fever, see your doctor, so they don’t lead to vaginal or kidney infections.

Emotional Changes

The fatigue and moodiness you may have felt during the first trimester has probably improved, but as your delivery day approaches and your excitement builds, you’ll probably start to feel a little anxious and maybe unprepared. You may experience:

  • Fear and anxiety
  • Forgetfulness or “mommy brain”
  • Tearfulness
  • Negative perceptions of your body

To manage your emotions during the second trimester, focus on staying healthy and happy, and live in the moment as you ride the waves of impending motherhood. Don’t be afraid to talk about what you are experiencing – this is a much healthier alternative to keeping things bottled up!


Prenate® Vitamin Family
This post is brought to you by the Prenate® Vitamin Family, a line of prescription prenatal supplements designed to enhance preconception, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition in women. Talk with your doctor about how taking a daily prescription prenatal or postnatal vitamin could help support a healthy pregnancy and postpartum wellness.

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WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

WARNING: Ingestion of more than 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids (such as DHA) per day has been shown to have potential antithrombotic effects, including an increased bleeding time and International Normalized Ratio (INR). Administration of omega-3 fatty acids should be avoided in patients taking anticoagulants and in those known to have an inherited or acquired predisposition to bleeding.

This site and its contents are an information resource only, and are neither intended to nor should be used in replacement of your doctor or other prescribing professional’s medical guidance, recommendations or advice. Neither this site nor its information should be used or relied upon for any diagnostic, medical, treatment, nutritional or other purpose. All aspects of pregnancy, including whether pregnancy is right for you, and the nourishment and care of your child, should be made with your doctor and other appropriate medical professional, and in consideration of your and your child’s particular medical history. Avion Pharmaceuticals, LLC (“Avion”) makes no representation, warranty or other undertaking that this site or its information are appropriate for you or your child’s specific needs or issues, and further expressly disclaims all damages, losses, injuries or liability whatsoever incurred or alleged to have been incurred in consequence of your reliance on the information on this site. Avion does not endorse any test, procedure, treatment, remedy, therapy, cure, nutritional regimen, method or other activity or undertaking that you and/or your doctor or other medical professional may elect or recommend. By visiting this site you agree to these terms and conditions and acknowledge that you have read and understand the same. These terms and conditions, together with any information on this site, may be amended, restated or otherwise changed from time to time and at any time by Avion within the sole, absolute and uncontrolled exercise of its discretion. You acknowledge and agree that Avion has no duty or obligation to keep you informed of any amendments to, restatements of or other changes to these terms and conditions or this site, and that you are solely and exclusively responsible for apprising yourself of the same.


WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately.

WARNING: Ingestion of more than 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids (such as DHA) per day has been shown to have potential antithrombotic effects, including an increased bleeding time and International Normalized Ratio (INR). Administration of omega-3 fatty acids should be avoided in patients taking anticoagulants and in those known to have an inherited or acquired predisposition to bleeding.

This site and its contents are an information resource only, and are neither intended to nor should be used in replacement of your doctor or other prescribing professional’s medical guidance, recommendations or advice. Neither this site nor its information should be used or relied upon for any diagnostic, medical, treatment, nutritional or other purpose. All aspects of pregnancy, including whether pregnancy is right for you, and the nourishment and care of your child, should be made with your doctor and other appropriate medical professional, and in consideration of your and your child’s particular medical history. Avion Pharmaceuticals, LLC (“Avion”) makes no representation, warranty or other undertaking that this site or its information are appropriate for you or your child’s specific needs or issues, and further expressly disclaims all damages, losses, injuries or liability whatsoever incurred or alleged to have been incurred in consequence of your reliance on the information on this site. Avion does not endorse any test, procedure, treatment, remedy, therapy, cure, nutritional regimen, method or other activity or undertaking that you and/or your doctor or other medical professional may elect or recommend. By visiting this site you agree to these terms and conditions and acknowledge that you have read and understand the same. These terms and conditions, together with any information on this site, may be amended, restated or otherwise changed from time to time and at any time by Avion within the sole, absolute and uncontrolled exercise of its discretion. You acknowledge and agree that Avion has no duty or obligation to keep you informed of any amendments to, restatements of or other changes to these terms and conditions or this site, and that you are solely and exclusively responsible for apprising yourself of the same.

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