How to Get Enough Vitamin D During Pregnancy
May 18, 2022
Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for personal health. Expecting moms especially need to meet their recommended daily allowance, as vitamin D plays a key role in immune function, healthy cell division, and healthy bone development. Here are some important tips for getting vitamin D through nutrient-rich foods, time outdoors, and prenatal vitamins.What to Eat to Increase Vitamin D Levels
There are very few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, although some foods are fortified with the vitamin. Some of the best sources of food for vitamin D include1:
- Cod liver oil
- Salmon
- Swordfish
- Tuna fish
- Orange juice fortified with vitamin D
- Dairy and plant milks fortified with vitamin D
- Sardines
- Beef liver
- Egg yolks
- Mushrooms
- Fortified cereals
Some of these foods may not sound appetizing on their own, but here are some recipe suggestions that make them more mouthwatering.
Scrambled eggs with salmon, asparagus, and goat cheese is a double dose of vitamin D. This dish is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It’s lighter in calories but full of healthy fats and fresh vegetables.
Parmesan-mushroom risotto with peas is full of your fungi. Harvested after spending time soaking up the sun, mushrooms give you an extra powerful boost of vitamin D. The other ingredients in this recipe are hearty and creamy, so watch your calories.
These easy fruit smoothies are full of fortified milk sources. They include delicious ingredients such as peach, turmeric, beets, and cherries that make for yummy flavors and colorful layers.
How to Safely Soak Up the Sun
Did you know vitamin D is actually a hormone that requires sunlight for your body to manufacture? In fact, researchers found that pregnant women who had reasonable levels of sun exposure during their first trimester were at lower risk for preterm birth.2 Reasonable sun exposure, usually 5 minutes to 10 minutes at a time and just two to three times a week, is enough for your body to make vitamin D. Just be cautious of getting too much sun, as pregnancy can make your skin extra sensitive.
How to Get Vitamin D Through Prenatal Vitamins
One of the best ways to ensure adequate vitamin D intake is through supplementation. Vitamins can help fill nutritional gaps during your pregnancy. Prenate® prenatal vitamins are specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women or women thinking about becoming pregnant. Talk with your doctor about whether a Prenate® prescription may be right for you.
Prenate® Vitamin Family
This post is brought to you by the Prenate® Vitamin Family, a line of prescription prenatal supplements designed to enhance preconception, prenatal, and postpartum nutrition in women. Talk with your doctor about how taking a daily prescription prenatal or postnatal vitamin could help support a healthy pregnancy and postpartum wellness.
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