Your Guide to Pregnancy Acronyms
December 20, 2018
With the rise of pregnancy-related apps, more and more women are connecting and discussing their experiences virtually. Many pregnancy apps, and even some pregnancy websites, offer discussion boards or forums.
Anyone who ventures into this digital world will quickly find it filled with acronym-packed comments and questions. We’ve compiled a list of common pregnancy-related acronyms and definitions to help you get the most out of your research and the time you spend on forums and discussion boards.
- 2WW – Two-Week Wait; the approximate time it takes between conception and pregnancy for a test to show a positive result
- AF – Aunt Flow or menstruation
- AI – Artificial Insemination
- BBT – Basal Body Temperature; often rises sharply right before ovulation1
- BC – Birth Control
- BFN – Big Fat Negative; indicates a negative pregnancy test result
- BFP – Big Fat Positive; indicates a positive pregnancy test result
- BLW – Baby-Led Weaning
- CP – Chemical Pregnancy; may indicate a very early miscarriage1
- CS – Cesarean Section or C-section
- DPO – Days Past Ovulation; used when waiting to take a pregnancy test
- EDD – Estimated Due Date
- FMU – First Morning Urine; has highest concentration of pregnancy hormones1
- FRER – First Response Early Response pregnancy test
- FTM – First-Time Mom
- IC – Incompetent Cervix
- L&D – Labor and Delivery
- LMP – Last Menstrual Period
- NTNP – Not Trying Not Preventing
- O’d – Ovulated
- OPK – Ovulation Prediction Kit; measures luteinizing hormone, which surges right before ovulation and causes it to occur1
- PG – Pregnant
- PPD – Postpartum Depression
- TTC – Trying To Conceive
- US – Ultrasound
- VBAC – Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
How to get the most out of discussion boards and forums on pregnancy, birth and life as a new mom.
There are reputable websites with member-created groups that are dedicated to nearly any pregnancy, conception, birth and baby-related subject. Connecting with others in your situation or who have navigated the landscape of conception, pregnancy and beyond can provide a wonderful sense of community. It can also be a valuable source of information.
Before diving into a new community, read some posts and responses to make sure that the tone and feel of the space is a good fit for you. Look at the level of interaction in the group and check the moderator’s policies to make sure the board is friendly and helpful.
From the earliest stages of your conception journey through weaning your baby and beyond, discussion boards and forums are a great resource. Finding one that’s a good fit for you can be an important addition to your pregnancy experience.
The Prenate® Family of vitamins also supports your pregnancy journey from pre-conception through breastfeeding and beyond. Talk to your doctor about how a prescription supplement can help support your nutritional needs at every step.
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