Vitamin C in Your Prenatal Vitamins
January 18, 2017
Cold and flu season is upon us. For years, vitamin C has been touted for helping to prevent the common cold. Many people swear by it and load up on orange juice and vitamin C supplements to help boost their immune systems at the first sign of a sniffle or cough.
Vitamin C is a critical nutrient that works as an antioxidant to combat free radicals and protect our cells.1 It plays a role in healing wounds and boosting the immune system.1 So, it’s no surprise that women look for prenatal vitamins with high levels of vitamin C.
Many researchers have studied the impact of vitamin C on cold prevention. But there has not been any conclusive evidence that vitamin C alone helps prevent the common cold. One study evaluated the impact of taking 200 mg or more of vitamin C daily on cold prevention. While there was evidence that it may shorten the cold duration, there was not a correlation to cold prevention.2
So the jury is still out on whether vitamin C has any impact on fighting the common cold. But vitamin C has an important role in overall good nutrition. It works with other vitamins and minerals to support everyday bodily processes.
Prenatal Vitamins with Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an iron absorption promoter.1 During pregnancy a women’s blood volume increases dramatically. So it’s even more important for the body to absorb as much iron as possible from food, drinks and dietary supplement sources. Vitamin C helps make this possible.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that pregnant and lactating women consume 60 mg of vitamin C daily.3 A prenatal vitamin is a quick and easy way to obtain the recommended amount of daily vitamin C. Because of its role in immune health and iron absorption, vitamin C is a key ingredient in all Prenate® vitamins. You can click here to view a comparison of vitamin C levels in each Prenate® product. Designed for the needs of both moms and babies, Prenate® Vitamin Family supplements help fill nutritional gaps. Talk to your doctor about which prenatal vitamin with vitamin C is right for you.
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